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Randumb 5?

A lot has happened since I last wrote an article. I think it's safe to say that I'm finally getting my shit together. It's almost like I've turned over a new leaf. Education has become surprisingly valuable to me as of recently. I've actually been applying to colleges and I think I'm gunna get accepted to Chaffey next fall. What's more surprising is that I've finally gotten a license and a car a few weeks ago. Shit, I haven't even been getting high. It's been like 2 months! I think I've finally made my parents proud of m- Haha okay okay. That was all bullshit! I'm never going to college, especially not Chaffey out of all fucking educational institutes in the fucking world. I just failed my driving test due to "poor left turns" and going 25 in a 40. And for your information on the last lie, Im faded as fuck RIGHT NOW. To top it off, I have weeklong writers block at least 3 times a month. So obviously you know what I was doing this whole time. There isn't a moral to this sad reflection of my life but if I could give one it would be TO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ.

oh yea, this happened

Dude, Im not gunna lie. The way you describe your girl makes it sound like she's a fucking psychopath. If she's really being that extra, just leave the bitch. Plenty of pussy out there my dude. But make sure you weigh out the pros and cons. I mean like if her parents rich, wait it out. But if she broke as fuck and she trippin, gotta give her the dick one last time and give her the bootskii. -Dr. Swank, PHD in Love Advice


Any interviewer knows that people flake and dodge interviews all the time. It's a solid part of true journalism. I, as well, have been stood up for an interview....multiple times. So I had an idea. Instead of keeping all my failures to myself like a sad piece of shit, I decided to share them with the world to smile at for a moment. Enjoy.

Salba- Im tired of asking his old ass for an interview. Out of the 3 times I asked him my favorite was when he said he'd be down in like an hour and then proceeded to pack up and leave and shit an hour later.

47 team- I fucked up the first one we did so we never really did another one.

High Curbs -I know the girlfriend of the drummer(who lost my fucking Orioles Windbreaker. While I'm at it, fuck the orioles) and she put me in contact with them. I hit them up and we had a small convo and then they never hit me up again.

Wieger Van Wageningen- Told me to email him some questions but never hit me back

That dude that owns F4ther- My friend was supposed to set it up

Erik Arteaga aka Burberry Erry- my friend was supposed to set it up. I think he was actually really down to do it. I guess he was busy making park edits and sewing shirts onto pants.

Chilly Sosa- Told me "he doesn't do interviews" but has a No Jumper interview with Eddy Baker


That email is fake btw ;)

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