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Kane the Menace interview

I think I first heard about Kane when I first interviewed the whole lildreamteam last year. Kane is quite the Instagram personality with a unique style of tricks. In this interview we talk about being black, blunts, beefy skaters and more. Enjoy.

Okay, first I have to ask, are you black? So many people question my ethnic background because of the way I look or dress (haha), yes I am. Hispanic and Filipino as well. Government name and where are you from? My actual name is Kane Caples (no relation to Curren Caples), we could probably be relatives. From Riverside, Ca

How would you describe living in Riverside? I actually live in Moreno Valley, it's next to riverside, so I guess I live there. It's like any other city in California, hang out with my friends when I have days off or hang with my girl. Which is worse? Bobby bonds, Jurupa or Hunt park? Honestly, Bobby Bonds is the worst park in the Inland Empire, but I prefer it over any other skatepark. It gives you the feeling of skating a street spot with the ground. How did you get into skating? I got into skateboarding when I was 14, at the time all of my friends were doing it and I'd just watch them skate or play videogames while they skated outside. My friend asked me if I wanted a board, that's what started it all. Who do you ride for? Currently I ride for Friendship, Thrashgnar rideshop, Happy socks and CBNC clothing How did you get on Friendship? When Cyril Palmer was still on the company he told me about them and told me to message them and see what they're about. I talked to the owner (Tim) via email and we talked for awhile here and there over social media, 6 months later I get a message asking if I wanted to come skate with them in LA, he flowed me boards right on the spot. After that I started filming and eventually had a welcome video.

That bluntslide you did across that crosswalk for your friendship welcome video was insane! What was the process behind that? Can't describe how long it took, I already thought about it months before I tried it. I went back 3 times. First time I went was at night, but I didn't like the deathlens angle, I prefer long lens on a trick that I know I won't go back for, it's nice seeing what's going on in the background during a trick, I want to see people, cars, trees, everything or else the clip is dull and pointless. I also had to deal with security when I'd go, only had a few tries everytime. Finally went back the third time, got it after a few tries. Still can't believe I actually landed it. Who are some of your favorite skaters from the IE? Can't really think of many except for Tre Williams, Jeff Figueroa and John Davis. Haven't heard of John in so long, hopefully I see him with some new footage soon. How did you become so heavily involved with Anime? It's been an interest of mine since I was younger, just like anybody else's interest. Others have only taken notice because not many people in skate community discuss it online, except for Jeremy Klein. I want people in the skate community to open about it, people's perspective about anime has changed over the last decade. We're not viewed as some weird social awkward people anymore, anime fanatics are the cool kids now.

Is this the point where you started straightening and dyeing your hair? Hahaha, I don't straighten my hair. When you bleach your hair it changes the texture of it, depending on your hair type it could either come out straight or curly. Also depends how you take care of it, if you do deep oil treatments your hair will look more natural, less curly. Back to the question, I've been bleaching my hair on and off for the past 3 years now and I don't think I'll stop anytime soon, it's an internet persona I've created for myself. How many different hair colors have you had? Almost every single color, besides green and red. Those colors wouldn't fit my skin complexion or my aesthetic Favorite Anime series rn? Currently for the fall season, "UQ Holder" if you're into shounen series check it out Worst Anime? Everyone already knows the series that I hate out of any other series, "One Piece"!!!!!!! Hate pirates, looks like a 5 year old made the animation, it's not my genre of anime. It bugs me

Do you fuck with The 7 Deadly Sins? I tend to stay away from "Netflix" anime series, they're simplistic for everyone to enjoy. What's up with Lildreamteam these days? I think they just came out with new clothing for fall/winter season, Chris has been coming up with so many great ideas, I know he'll make it soon enough with persistence.

How do do you know Swineboi? It's funny how we met. We became friends through YouTube! He seen some of my old videos and I seen he was from Fontana, we didn't meet in person until years later.

Swine wanted to know if you had some green screen video tips. Lol as of right now he's a better editor than me, I have no computer, I make all my videos through my phone. It's annoyance because of the storage space and transferring work through several different apps, but I love it.

What happened with that fool Chad Powers? You seemed pretty heated about the situation. It's a long story, it's not just one situation to take into account, but multiple ones that I'm not going to discuss. It's not in me to put someone's business out there, but I'm no longer associating myself with him.

So you started the Heavyworks page...why are you obsessed with beefy skaters ? I've thought about creating a page for awhile, to create a community that hasn't been touched upon yet in skateboarding much. I have plenty of friends who are heavyset skateboarders that don't get any recognition for what they do. I see everyone getting reposted except for them . So I created a community that is accepting of that side of skateboarding, not to mention the messages I've been getting of people who starting skateboarding again because of seeing this page, it gave them confidence seeing others being able to skate, no matter what size you are. It makes me happy seeing the positives this page has created.

Who are some of your favorite heavywork allstars? Jamie Foy and John Benton Where do you get the inspiration to make these funny ass videos? I love the one of you skating with a durag and the one of you and Jon( Benton) skating with Hatsune Miku masks.

It depends where we're at during the times we're trying to film something, I'll usually plan a day beforehand of what I want to film before we go out. I bought the mask in Little Tokyo lol

The homie Turkey asked why you are so good? His name is Turkey? lol I don't think I'm any good, I found a different way to skate, years of practice like any other sport. What's next for you? Are you filming a part? I just sold my hvx200, currently I'm not filming anything, I don't think I will be anytime soon. Right now focusing on my social media presence, it's more beneficial for me in the long run, instead of filming a part that nobody is going to watch. Shoutouts? My mom, my family, my girl and my close friends for always supporting me, no matter what I do in life. Thanks you guys and I thanks for the interview as well!

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