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Worst Case Senarios

Have you ever looked at a big handrail, and immediately had thoughts of pain, death and suicide? Those thoughts most likely mean you're a skater thinking of the worst case scenario OR you're maybe a terrorist who's randomly looking at a rail. Either way, enjoy.

Skating rails

-You sack a 13 rail first go at a contest and Nyjah comes right up behind you and kickflip back noseblunts it first go.

-You lock into a front crook down a 16 rail and your king pin breaks right off and then you

die(blame your Thunder Trucks)

Bombing Hills

-A cop shoulder checks you while you're hillbombing

Skating Transition

-You are skating the bowl and some big old fuck slams into you and you smack your dome on the transition

-doing whatever danny way did in Xgames

10 things to do when you're bored 1) Invest money into a 401k.

Just don't touch that shit until you're 60. It'll be a VERY nice surprise when your old ass gets it. You'll be able to pay for all the prostate exams, fish oil pills and chemotherapy that your body can physically tolerate. 2) Smoke Pot

Too easy haha 3) Kill your best friend and plant the evidence on your grandma. This will forsure kick your life up to an 11! 4) Hit the Pookie Ehh, why not? 5) Accidentally order a fleet of planes to drop a nuke over North Korea

Pretty sure this would be the the beginning of World War fucking 3. I wouldn't recommend this to anybody 6) Go beat yer meat Did a whole thing on skate porn, if that's yer type of thing 7) Be depressed This includes listening to depressing music and pretending to be happy when you aren't. Not the best idea but FUCK IT! 8) Go skate Get yer board dumbass 9) Go punk little kids for their lunch money and their parents card info

haha Fuck kids 10) Become a stuntman and try the infamous suicide attempt.

Without a gun, your likelyhood of a successful suicide is far lower. So go hit up your local school shooter and ask if he has anything you can borrow. You can tell him to pick it up at your pad later.

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