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Swanks Guide to: Getting faded

Are you a kid who's under 18 and not supposed to be on this website? Of course you are. For all you underaged fucks who can't buy blunts or pieces, I've got easiest ways for you to get faded.

*These methods of inhaling smoke is intended for users 18 and over. And don't be that weird nigga who be packing tobacco in a piece so you can get a "headchange". Yall need to chill.*

Dry Bottle piece-Pretty easy

An Easy piece to make when your at the house or whenever you have tin foil available because yo broke ass can't afford a real piece.

What you need: Weed, Bottle, tin foil, toothpick and lighter

All you gotta do is put tin foil over the top of the bottle to make the bowl and you poke a bunch of holes where the bowl will be.

Then you burn a hole on the side of the bottle, not to big and not too small. It's just so that you can inhale the smoke.

Now all you have to do is pack it and toke it up!

Thunder Hollow LIGHT(work)- I mean you'd have to be retarded to mess this up.

Not as easy to get high as fuck but it's pretty funny in the moment. Best choice for smoking when you want to look like a fucking fiend.

Bible Paper Joints-as easy as it gets

Pretty easy way to piss off your christian buddies! Also it could be the easiest way to get into hell:) Open up those bibles that you got from Grandmama 2 years ago and rip a page out. Don't worry, you weren't using them anyways.

If you need a tutorial on how to roll joints and blunts, we don't have that shit can click here though

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