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DM: Grant Fiero

47SM: First things first, what are your thoughts on skateboarding in the Olympics?

GF: I’m not super stoked but, not bummed. More just interested than anything, I’ll definitely watch it just to see how they handle it.

Was it a surprise when Austrailia chose Shane[O’neill] as one of the first Olympic skaters?

Not at all, in my opinion haha. He’s debatably the most talented skateboarder on the planet. Of course they want him haha.

True Shit. I’m sure you are familiar with this whole new style of editing Instagram videos. The whole trap song and a lot of slow-mo deal, what’s your take on that?

Haha, I mean I think some people get caught up in hating on others, just do whatever is fun for you, but at the same time, I don’t want my videos to look exactly like everyone else’s haha. But at the end of the day just do what’s fun.

Haha, I mean I think some people get caught up in hating on others, just do whatever is fun for you, but at the same time, I don’t want my videos to look exactly like everyone else’s haha. But at the end of the day just do what’s fun.

Do you think KOTR is better now that Viceland is presenting it?

I like how the episodes are longer, KOTR is interesting to watch, I wouldn’t say I love it but I watch it.

I know it’s early but do you have any predictions for 2017 skater of the year?

Evan Smith or Ishod. Evan already dropped a part and had a huge 2016. Ishod was a little quieter than usual, video part wise, in 2016 which make me believe he’s been working hard and has a lot of footage that will be released this year.

That’s exactly what I was thinking![About Ishod]Alright last question, favorite video part of all time?

Haha umm that’s so hard. Dylan Rieder’s Gravis part.

I’m sorry, I had one more question. Do you think EA is actually going to come out with SKATE 4?

Umm probably not but who knows haha

Alright thanks for doing this Grant! BTW tell your homie Andrew to answer my email. I’m trying to get on the podcast!

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