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Drinking Games

Do you honestly need a game to drink? Apparently you do if you're here. I mean if you really need a game to drink, then I got you. But you lazy fucks should just drink to forget or to ruin your life or to ruin someone else's night, you know normal shit.

Strobeck Game (Meant for beer but who the fuck cares!)- Easy to get fucked up but not too easy

Drink every time Strobeck zooms in on someone's face or shoes.

If Strobeck zooms in on a supreme logo you have to down your whole beer (or 2 shots)

The game ends when everyone passes out and by then it won't matter who really won

SLS Game (Meant for beer)-Stupid Easy to get fucked up

We know you weren't watching Street League anyways.

Drink each time you hear a spanish/brazillian ass last name

Drink each time if the skater isn't wearing Nikes

Drink each time the skater does a kickflip variation trick

Drink everytime P.Rod does a trick switch

Drink every time they mention Monster or Nike

Finish your drink(or two shots) if the announcers explain switch stance

Finish your drink(or two shots) if Nyjah wins

Couples Skate Positions ♥

The friendzone.


This position is intended for friends or a guy in the friendzone (poor guy). No touching is really required and its's way funner to bomb hills this way. Be careful if you are in the front, it's way easier to fall off and get penetrated by the unforgiving California asphalt.



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